Automatic Sugar Dispenser,
for steady sugar doses
from every barista!
The Solution to have constant doses of sugar in coffee
Since 2013, JUST SOLUTIONS, based in Thessaloniki, has been leading innovation with the first automatic sugar dispenser in Hellas.
- We are trusted by leading coffee companies & coffee chains.
- Thousands of baristas prepare coffees with JUST machines.
- Hundreds of JUST machines operate on the market without problems, with absolute acceptance and enthusiasm from the public, coffeeshop owners and baristas, upgrading the taste of the coffee, that we all enjoy!
Coffee Shops
Baristas have worked with JUST machines
Coffees with steady sugar dose
Do you change baristas often? No problem!
Do you change baristas often?
No problem!
Solve the chronic problem of different sugar dosages by your staff.
Give an end to the unevenness of your coffees, with a JUST automatic sugar dispenser and gain satisfied customers!
Solve the chronic problem of different sugar dosages by your staff.
Give an end to the unevenness of your coffees, with a JUST automatic sugar dispenser and gain satisfied customers!
Solve the chronic problem of different sugar dosages by your staff.
Give an end to the unevenness of your coffees, with a JUST automatic sugar dispenser
and gain satisfied customers!
The sugar in the coffee
preferences for coffee among consumers in many countries
The majority of consumers in many countries prefer their coffee with sugar – even with a little – and this is a fact that should not, for any reason, be underestimated.
Despite diligent efforts to stabilize the dosage of sugar in coffees with training,
spoons and measures, the problem of unsteadiness remains.
Those who drink their coffee with sugar, know this for sure and are dissatisfied.
Unfortunately, although they are a majority in some cases, they cannot enjoy a quality coffee with stability.
The majority of consumers in many countries prefer their coffee with sugar – even with a little – and this is a fact that should not, for any reason, be underestimated.
Despite diligent efforts to stabilize the dosage of sugar in coffees with training, spoons and measures, the problem of unsteadiness remains.
Those who drink their coffee with sugar, know this for sure and are dissatisfied.
Unfortunately, although they are a majority in some cases, they cannot enjoy a quality coffee with stability.
The majority of consumers in many countries prefer their coffee with sugar – even with a little – and this is a fact that should not, for any reason, be underestimated.
Despite diligent efforts to stabilize the dosage of sugar in coffees with training, spoons and measures, the problem of unsteadiness remains.
Those who drink their coffee with sugar, know this for sure and are dissatisfied.
Unfortunately, although they are a majority in some cases, they cannot enjoy a quality coffee with stability.
Container capacity
- 3Kg White sugar
- 2Kg Brown sugar
Space requirements at the bar
Location at the bar
- Next to Espresso Machine & Pitcher Rinser
Run time
Cleaning time
- 3-5’ minutes
Grams setting / programming
- Simple and detailed instructions in the manual
Trouble-free operation
- Equipment that stands the test of time
Easy acceptance
Designed for the known dosages:
1 MEDIUM – 2 SWEET (or 2-4 in a small spoon) -
Accompanied by a special user guide
for new staff
Container capacity
- 3Kg White sugar
- 2Kg Brown sugar
Space requirements at the bar
Location at the bar
- Next to Espresso Machine & Pitcher Rinser
Run time
Cleaning time
- 3-5’ minutes
Grams setting / programming
- Simple and detailed instructions in the manual
Trouble-free operation
- Equipment that stands the test of time
Easy acceptance
Designed for the known dosages:
1 MEDIUM – 2 SWEET (or 2-4 in a small spoon) -
Accompanied by a special user guide
for new staff
JUST Sugar Dispenser Amortization
Upgrade in coffee quality
Organization in production - Speed in customer service
Quick training of new staff
Advantage over the competition
Trouble-free operation / without technical requirements
Satisfied customers
Εταιρία Καφέ
Οι καινοτόμοι αυτόματοι δοσομετρητές ζάχαρης JUST, απευθύνονται σε κάθε επιχείρηση εστίασης που σερβίρει καφέ και θέλει να αναβαθμίσει την ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών της με την ομοιομορφία όλων των καφέδων και ταυτόχρονα να αυξήσει τα κέρδη της, καθώς μειώνονται οι δυσαρεστημένοι πελάτες.
Εμπειρικά γνωρίζουμε ότι, ο κάθε καταναλωτής που πίνει καφέ έχει μία ειδική προτίμηση στη γλυκύτητα που επιθυμεί και μόνο σε αυτό το σημείο απολαμβάνει πραγματικά τον καφέ του. Ενδεχομένως να έχει κάποιες ανοχές, λίγο πιο πάνω ή λίγο πιο κάτω, τις οποίες αν ξεπεράσει ο barista, ο καφές αυτός δεν θα ικανοποιήσει τον καταναλωτή.
Οι δοσομετρητές μας είναι σχεδιασμένοι με γνώμονα την εύκολη χρήση και την αύξηση ταχύτητας παραγωγής. Η απλή λειτουργία τους, κάνει την απαιτούμενη εκπαίδευση του προσωπικού σας μια ολιγόλεπτη διαδικασία που συνήθως λαμβάνει χώρα μία φορά, κατά την πρώτη τοποθέτηση του δοσομετρητή.
Ο επαγγελματίας barista σε καθημερινή βάση καλείται να ανταπεξέλθει σε ένα μεγάλο όγκο παραγωγής, με μοναδικό στόχο ένα τέλειο ρόφημα / καφέ.
Η πλειοψηφία των ροφημάτων καφέ που παρασκευάζονται στην Ελλάδα είναι με ζάχαρη. Κατά συνέπεια, θα πρέπει να επιτύχει τη σωστή δοσολογία ζάχαρης για να αφήσει ικανοποιημένο τον πελάτη της επιχείρησης όπου εργάζεται. Δυστυχώς, όμως, αυτό μέχρι σήμερα δεν συμβαίνει στο βαθμό που θα έπρεπε (δες έρευνα JUST SOLUTIONS).
Παρά το ότι οι επενδύσεις στον εξοπλισμό και η κατάρτιση στον καφέ έχει αναβαθμιστεί τα τελευταία χρόνια, παραμένει ακόμα το κενό στην ακρίβεια της δοσολογίας της ζάχαρης του κάθε καφέ και η σταθερότητα αυτής καθημερινά, τη στιγμή που η ζάχαρη καθορίζει σε μεγάλο βαθμό την απόλαυσή του (δες πόρισμα).
Με τους αυτόματους δοσομετρητές JUST, ο σύγχρονος barista λαμβάνει αυτόματα τις σωστές δόσεις ζάχαρης χωρίς να καταναλώνεται εκεί, αφιερώνοντας όλη του την προσοχή και τέχνη στην παρασκευή ενός σωστού καφέ!
Εταιρία Καφέ
Αυξήστε κέρδη & ποιότητα
Μία εταιρία καφέ που είναι συνυφασμένη με τον καλό και ποιοτικό καφέ, παρέχοντας στους πελάτες της τους καινοτόμους δοσομετρητές ζάχαρης, επιτυγχάνει το βέλτιστο δυνατό καφέ που σερβίρεται στους καταναλωτές και οπωσδήποτε έχει πολλαπλά οφέλη:
- Ενίσχυση της ποιότητας του καφέ σας.
- Περιορισμός της λανθασμένης εκτέλεσης των καφέδων ως προς τη ζάχαρη = βελτιωμένο τελικό προϊόν.
- Διατήρηση των σημείων πώλησης καφέ.
- Αύξηση κατανάλωσης κιλών σε υπάρχον πελατολόγιο.
- Ευκολότερη ανάπτυξη νέου πελατολογίου.
- Διαφοροποίηση της εταιρίας σας με την μέση εταιρία καφέ.
- Σύνδεση της εταιρίας σας με την καινοτομία και την εξέλιξη.
Στην άκρως ανταγωνιστική Ελληνική αγορά, τα σημεία πώλησης καφέ διεκδικούνται καθημερινά από πολύ μεγάλο αριθμό εταιριών, οι οποίες ολοένα και αυξάνουν τις παροχές τους, καθώς μόνον η ποιότητα του καφέ δεν αποτελεί πάντα μέτρο διάκρισης για συνεργασία.
Όπως γνωρίζουμε, ακόμα και να ‘κλειδώσει’ ένας πελάτης με μια εταιρία καφέ, ενδέχεται μελλοντικά να επιλέξει άλλη εταιρία, είτε με ένα πιο ‘δελεαστικό’ πακέτο παροχών είτε λόγω δημοσίων σχέσεων.
Ένας αυτόματος δοσομετρητής ως παροχή σε υπάρχον και νέο πελατολόγιο αφήνει ευχαριστημένες και τις δύο πλευρές καθώς βελτιώνει τη ποιότητα του καφέ και κερδίζει και ο καταστηματάρχης αλλά και η εταιρία καφέ.
Business Owner
The innovative JUST automatic sugar dispensers are aimed at every business that serves coffee and wants to upgrade the quality of its services achieving uniformity and at the same time increase its profits, reducing dissatisfied customers.
We know from experience that all guests have a special preference regarding the sweetness or consistency of their perfect coffee. If the barista exceeds the perfect balance then this coffee will not satisfy the guests.
Our dispensers are designed with ease of use and increased production speed in mind. Their simple operation makes the required training of your staff a short and one-time process, during the first installation of the dispenser.
The professional barista has to cope with a large volume of production on a daily basis, with the sole aim of the perfect drink / coffee.
The majority of coffee drinks made in Greece contain sugar. Therefore, the right amount of sugar must be achieved to keep the customer satisfied. Unfortunately, this is still not the case today (see JUST SOLUTIONS research).
Although investment in coffee equipment and training has increased in recent years, there is the exact portion of sugar in each coffee is still a weak spot. Especially when sugar determines its enjoyment (see conclusion).
With JUST automatic dispensers, the modern barista automatically receives the right amount of sugar, being free to devote all their attention and art to making the right coffee!
Coffee Company
Increase profits & quality
A coffee company, intertwined with good, quality coffee, by providing its customers with innovative sugar dispensers, achieves the best possible coffee served to consumers and definitely has multiple benefits:
- Improve the quality of your coffee.
- Limiting inconsistencies = improved final product.
- Maintaining coffee outlets.
- Increase in kilo consumption in an existing clientele.
- Easier expansion of clientele.
- Differentiate your company with the average coffee company.
- Connecting your company with innovation and development.
In our highly competitive, Greek market, a very large number of companies compete for coffee sale points by increasing their amenities, as coffee quality alone does not always guarantee business.
It is known, even if a customer “locks” with a coffee company, in the future they may choose another company, which offers a more “tempting” package of benefits or due to public relations.
An automatic dispenser as an amenity to existing and new customers leaves both parties happy as it improves the quality of coffee and both the business owner and the coffee company win.
Our company conducted an in-depth, 2-year research on a sample of 3,000 people, men & women aged 18-65, in a large shopping centre of Thessaloniki – Mediterranean Cosmos,
a place that offers a sample from all parts of Greece.
We know from experience that all guests have a special preference regarding the sweetness or consistency of their perfect coffee. Our research proves this in the question:
Until today, even if there has been a certain level of consistency in the amount of sugar contained in a medium to sweet coffee (which differs from barista to barista and from coffee place to coffee place), we are talking about two sweetness scales that actually represent 36% of the tastes.
8% drinks their coffee plain and the remaining 56% of the sample prefers different levels of sweetness, which cannot be conveyed accurately when ordering.
Compromising without protesting
More than half have to lower their standards when it comes to the coffee they drink. The aforementioned 36% of the medium-sweet group also has to settle, as they do not drink consistently medium-sweet due to lack of consistency in each business.
The consumer compromise emerges from the same research and is proven by the question:
Unfortunately the average consumer does not complain and gives the impression that they are absolutely happy, which is not always the case.
On the contrary, they are displeased mainly because of the sugar containers with the spoon that present serious weaknesses.
Over 80% of coffee consumers in Greece (JUST SOLUTIONS survey) drink their coffee with sugar and really enjoy it when the sugar is to their liking.
As you can see from the example below, the correct and consistent sugar portion is so important that it can greatly determine the enjoyment of coffee.
Suppose a coffee shop uses the best combination of ingredients to make a coffee:
- Excellent quality coffee
- A very good espresso machine and a precision grinder
- Good water quality with the application of special filters
- A well-trained barista in coffee making.
If a consumer asks for a coffee of medium sweetness, and is served one that does not meet these requirements, then the guest will certainly be dissatisfied and will form a negative opinion about coffee.
* JUST SOLUTIONS informs that the above are more perceptible to consumers who drink their coffee with sugar and not to those who drink their coffee plain.
** Most consumers prefer their coffee with sugar.
Sugar cans and teaspoons
- Wrong sugar dosages
- Dependence on the hand of each manufacturer
- Confusion of materials
- Frequent crystallization of sugar
- Inability to properly recycle materials, loss of aroma / freshness of coffee
- Small container capacity, frequent downtime for refuelling
- Messy space mess
- Waste of raw materials
- Coffee returns
Αυτόματοι Δοσομετρητές Ζάχαρης JUST
- Stability and accuracy in sugar dosages
- Independence from the hand of the manufacturer – a common product by all staff
- Guaranteed separation of materials
- Proper recycling and maintenance of materials
- Preservation of aromas / freshness of coffee
- More than double the capacity of materials
- Regular and tidy cooking area
- Economy of raw materials